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Dec, 2024

What Equipment/Gear is needed for Baseball?

Most players will want their own equipment so they can practice at home. There is no need to spend tons of money on the newest, fanciest equipment. We typically receive coupons each Spring season for a 20% Off Weekend at Dicks Sporting Goods (there is one in Sports Arena). Big 5 in Sports Arena/Point Loma also has a variety of baseball options. There is also a good used equipment shop in Pacific Beach called Play It Again Sports.

Mission Bay Youth Baseball will provide the game hat/shirt, but each player must provide their own glove, cleats, helmet, athletic cup, game pants and belt

  • Most kids also like to have their own bat (needs to have a USA baseball logo on it)

More specific equipment details below. Please let us know if you have any questions about the equipment: [email protected]


  • Size: Get a bigger glove than you think, even for young players. We recommend a minimum 10.0"-10.5” gloves, even for young Shetland players. Players will start using larger gloves as they become more comfortable catching. Stronger players will quickly advance to 11.0"-11.5" gloves. Pinto players and above (8+ years old) will typically have gloves that are 11" and larger.
  • Make sure the glove is well broken in or conditioned, so the player is able to squeeze it.  The glove needs a good pocket.
  • Parents should also have a glove at home because you'll be practicing regularly with your player!  11.5"-12.5" gloves are great for most adults.


  • Cleats are recommended for all divisions.
  • Soccer cleats are fine for the Shetland division. Note: while soccer cleats are fine for baseball, baseball cleats ARE NOT allowed in soccer as the toe cleat in baseball cleats is dangerous for soccer.
  • It is recommended that Pinto division players and above use proper baseball cleats. The toe cleat and ankle protection in real baseball cleats are helpful for these older divisions.
  • Rubber-soled/rubber-cleated shoes are permitted. Metal cleats are prohibited for all divisions except Pony 14U.

Batting Helmet:

  • Each player should have their own baseball batting helmet for fit and sanitary reasons.
  • The use of face masks and/or jaw guards on protective head gear is not required, but it is recommended for additional safety, especially in older divisions with live pitching (Mustang and above). Face masks and jaw guards should be factory installed. 


  • A protective cup is required for all male players starting at Pinto division and above.  Female players are not required to wear a protective cup.


  • Mission Bay Youth Baseball will provide each player with a team jersey and hat.
  • Players are responsible for purchasing their own pants, belts, and socks. Please hold off on purchasing baseball pants, belt, and socks until team uniform colors have been determined. Your manager/head coach will provide details about the uniform colors and recommended color for pants, belt, and socks.


All bats must have the USA Baseball licensing stamp on it to be used in PONY baseball.

  • Tee Ball bats may be used in the Shetland division (typically 24”-26” bats). Regular baseball bats must be used starting in the Pinto divisions and above (typically 27” to 42” bats). 

    Pay attention to
    1. the weight of the bat
    2. the length of the bat
    3. the barrel diameter of the bat

  • 2 5/8" is the maximum barrel size allowed on a USA Bat and most stronger players will want those big barrel bats. 
  • For the youngest players, you may want to go as light as possible, but as the kids approach Pinto age they should be ready to swing a 27" bat or bigger (typically 17oz or more). There are very few bats shorter than 27" that are legal in Pinto baseball. 
  • The key is to have a bat that a player can consistently swing level. If a bat is too heavy, the barrel with drop and it will be harder for the player to make consistent contact.
  • Regardless, the bat must have the USA Baseball licensing stamp.  More details can be found at

Optional Equipment Details:

Backpack (Optional):

  • Baseball backpacks are entirely optional, but can be very useful. It’s a great way for players to keep their baseball gear organized, both at home and in the dugout.
  • Most baseball backpacks will have a sleeve for a bat, room for a helmet, a separate pocket for cleats, and a hook to allow the backpacks to be hung on a chain link fence.

Balls (Optional):

  • Your team manager will have plenty of balls for practice and games.
  • If you’re looking for baseballs to use at home, the Shetland division uses Safety Balls (the Rawlings Official T-Ball or Diamond Level 1 Ball). Pinto divisions and above use MLB regulation size and weight baseballs.

Batting Tee (Optional):

  • For appropriate divisions, your team Manager will have a batting tee.
  • If you are looking for a tee to practice at home, be sure to pay attention to the height of the tee. Many tees are too tall, even at the lowest height, for young players. Pay attention to the height of your player (at the waist) and the height of the tee, so the ball is resting at or slight above waist height.

Contact Us

Mission Bay Youth Baseball

PO Box 99454 
SAN DIEGO, California 92169

Email Us: [email protected]
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